Sunday, April 03, 2005
صوت صفير البلبل
The other day, I heard a Saudi student recite a poem that made all of us in the audience laugh hysterically. Quite frankly at the time we didn't understand a word but were tickled by how he had managed to memorise this tongue-twisting poem in the first place. I've tried reading it myself a few times and have failed miserably. I really hope all arabs will try reading this at a decent speed.The really fascinating thing about classical arabic poetry is that it often comes with an imaginative mythical or romantic story that is equally as interesting as the peom itself. I give two examples below by a poet called Alasma'i (الاصمعي) . The first one is slightly dubious and some say is wrongly attributed to this poet. But the story goes like this; the Abbasid caliph, Abu Ja'afar Almansur makes a deal with each poet who visits his court, "I will give you your due on the condition that i have not heard the poem before". Poets come from near or far to recite very long poems over one, two or three nights, which if the Caliph asserts he has not heard before gives them the poems weight in gold. He uses a trick, when the poet recites his poem once, the Caliph memorises it and repeats the poem saying he heard it a long time ago. He then brings forth his pageboy who after hearing it twice has also memorised it and recites it and claims he also heard it a long time ago. Then the Caliph calls on the maid, who by then has heard it three times (by the poet, the Caliph and the pageboy) and then recites herself. This way the poet then starts suspecting himself and the poem he supposedly wrote. He gets no money, and is sent away.
The Caliph does the same to all the poets who visit him, and earns a notorious reputation for this. Upon hearing this, a famous poet called Alasma'i takes the challenge of the Caliph upon him and composes a linguistically complicated poem designed to trip up the Caliph. He goes to the Caliph's court one day in disguise, to which the Caliph asks him "do u know the rules" and Alasma3i replies "yes", reciting the following verses:
صوت صفير البلبل
صـــوت صـفـيـر الـبـلـبـل * * هــيــج قـلـبـي الـثـمـل
المـاء والـزهـر مــعــــا * * مــع زهـــر لـخـط المـقـل
وأنت يـا ســـيــد لـــي * * وســيــدي و مـــــولـلــي
فــكــم فــكــم تـيـمـني * * غــزيــــــــــــل عــقــيــقــــــــل
قــطــفــتـه مــن وجـنــة * * مـــن لــثــم ورد الخـجـل
فـــــقــــــــال لا لا لا لا * * و قــد غـــدا مــهــرول
والــخـــود مــالـت طــربا * * مــن فـــعـــل هذا الرجل
فــولــولــت و ولـــولــت * * ولــي ولــي يـــا ويـــــــلـلـي
فـــقــالـت لا تــولــولـي * * وبــيــنــي الـلـــــــــؤلــــــــؤلــي
قــــالــت لـه حـيـن كــذا * * أنــهــض وجــــــد بـالمـقـل
وفــتــيــة ســقــــــــونــنـي * * قــهــيـــــــــــوة كــالـعــسـلـلي
شــمــمـتــهــا بـأنــفـــــــي * * أزكـــــــى مــــــن الــقــرنــفــل
فـي وسـط بـسـتــان حـلـي * * بـالــزهــر والــســـرور لـي
والــعــود دنــدنــدن لي * * والــطــبــل طـبـطـب طـبـلي
طـــبــطــب طــبــطـــــــــب * * طــبــطــب طــبــــــــــطـب لـــي
والــرقــص قــد طــاب لـي * * والـسـقـف ســقــسـق سـق لـي
شـــوا شــــوا وشــاهــش * * عـلـى ورق ســــفـــرجــــل
وغــرد الــقــمــري يـصيح * * مـــلـــل فـــي مــلــلـــــــــــي
ولــو تــرانــي راكــبــــــــــــا * * عـلـى حــمــــــــــار أهـــــزل
يــمــشــي عـلـى ثـلاثـــــــة * * كــمــشــيـــــــة الــعــرنــجــل
والـنـاس تـرجـم جـمــلي * * فــي الــســوق بالــقـلـقـلـلـي
والـكـل كــعـكــــــع كـعـكـع * * خـلـفـي ومـن حــــويـلـلـي
لـكـن مــشــيــت هــاربـــا * * مـن خــشــيــــة الــعــقـنـقـل
إلـــــى لــقــــــــــــــاء مـلـك * * مــعــظـــــــــم مـــبــجـــــــــــــــل
يـأمــــــــــــر لـي بِـخِـلـعَــةٍ * * حـــمــراء كــالـدم دم لــــي
أجـــــــــر فــيــهـا مـاشـيا * * مــبــغــــــــددا لـلــــذيــــــــــــل
أنـــا الأديــب الألـمــعـي * * مــــن حــــي أرض الـمــوصـل
نــظــمــت قــطــعـا زخـرفـت * * يــعــجــز عــنــهــا الأدبـل
أقــول فـي مـــطــلــعــهـا * * صــــوت صــفــيــر الــبـلبل
Second story attributed to Alasma3i is about a stone he came across in the desert with a line of poetry written by a heartbroken which a few exchanges were made in the following days. On the final day, Alasma'i found the grief-striken man dead near the stone with the final line of exchange. Aaaah sad. How romantic and creative they were back then!!
أيا معشر العشاق بالله خبروا *** اذا حل عشق بالفتي كيف يصنع ؟
فكتب الاصمعي تحت ذلك البيت:
يداري هواه ثم يكتم سره *** وخشع في كل الامور ويخضع
ثم عاد في اليوم الثالي الى المكان نفسه فوجد تحت البيت الذي كتبه هذا البيت !
وكيف يداري والهوي قاتل الفتى *** وفي كل يوم قلبه يتقطع؟
فكتب الاصمعي تحت ذلك البيت:
إذا لم يجد صبرا لكتمان سره *** فليس له شيء سوى الموت ينفع
قال الاصمعي:
فعدت في اليوم الثالث الى الصخرة فوجدت شابا ملقى تحت ذلك الحجر وقد فارق الحياة وقد كتب في رقعة من الجلد!
سمعنا اطعنا ثم متنا فبلغوا *** سلامي الى من كان للوصل يمنع
هنيئا لارباب النعيم نعيمه *** وللعاشق المسكين ما يتجرع
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Hey moodz, im glad u share my passion about poetry!
مادري بعد من وين جايب النسخة الشيعية العجيبة على نفس وزن الشعر الاصلي!
The sound link you sent sounds like the kind of reaction the Saudi guy got the other night.
Yalla you better memorize it now, and recite at the next bloggers meeting!
I remember my Social Studies teacher teasing us with the first poem.
Thanks for the memory
Note: you guys actually meet up? I am going to be transiting for 2hrs in Bahrain on the 19th of July :)
I think I missed out on a lot of this stuff (arabic literature) by going to an English school. Oh well, its never too late...
Personally I don't believe in blogger meet-ups... it would be such an anti-climax don't you think... but then again i don't think i'd mind a girly get together with the female bloggers...
unless of course there are some hunky bahraini male bloggers out there..which i doubt..
Wassup moodz..u need a cough sweet?
hunky?! whats wrong with the boy next door! hmm
Girls can only dream...then reality hits home...boy next door its gonna have to be i guess...
Bahrania- btw i went to a private school (English school) yet we still had to take Islamics, Social Studies and Arabic even though SS somehow is removed from the syllabus once you get into high school...i guess you get bombarded with Phy, Chem and Bio to a higher level
Come on there must be at least one hunky Bahraini....I would understand if you said that here....its slim pickings where i am from lol
gilna boy next door, mo blog next door!
Glad to hear that beyond dreams the boy next door qualifies! :) hehe
the problem is when you don't realise that a dream is a dream, and the dream haunts you. How do you control you're dream if it is something entrenched since you were a child and now you are told to 'get real' and just settle for 'the boy next door'. Alas, tis the bitter taste of reality that distates my living.
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