Saturday, March 19, 2005
Queen of Fruits
I tried some of these the other day:
They are called Mangosteens, grown in Thailand, where they are known as the "Queen of Fruit".
And the taste!!!! Its a combination of apricots and peaches and raspberries and mangos and every sweet fruit you can think of, in succulent white flesh. Does anyone know if they sell them in Bahrain and where? Soug almarkazi (central market) maybe?
Can't wait to dig in an entire box.
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yeah they're available at supermarkets. I've seen them both at Al-Osra and Jawad. They must also be available at some outlets at the Central Market.
They're nice, but I prefer mangos!
Some tropical hotels actually frisk you to be sure that you're not sneeking a dorian into your room! I've never tried it but very willing to... they liken it to "smelly socks" but very powerful, but if you close your nostrils they apparently taste very nice...
I'm craving for Mangosteens. I can't believe i haven't come across them before especially since my father loves exotic fruit, making us eat Avocado at the age of four, which I hated !! (but actually I love avocado now).
I was staying over my friend's place when she starting peeling at a big bowl of them. I tried one, two took a third and told myself to stop at the fourth- i didn't wana seem too greedy.
So basically the King (the durian) is ugly and stinks and the Queen (mangosteen) smells good and beautifully packaged.
i never knew u can buy them in Bahrain, thanks for the tips Mahmood
- the last time i tasted these fruits was a month ago, we were given them during an assignment in the field and they we had run out of glucose biscuits - so they just gave us these green fruits that felt hard but soft on the inside
- and yea - they stink bad! really bad - its like this stuffy feeling as well - and the juice of the fruit has a cursed stain - one that doesn't get washed away if squirted on your clothes while consuming them
- apparently either u get yo clothes washed right that minute or the stain wouldn't leave.
But anyways i'll be checking out spinneys soon for them.
Cheers :)
Something very well know about Durian (The King of Fruits) aka Jack fruit “Smells like lavatories, tastes like heaven”
I am wondering this is the first time you guys re getting exposed to such fruits? How about rambutan?
Its been aeons since I had one of those - I love them! and yes, they're good for many ailments too :)
don't like those rambutan thingies.. they're sweet, slimey and their huge stone could easily slip and lodge itself in your thoat, probably killing you!
You have to be a rambutan-eating expert :)
och lassie, I'll leave the expertise to Bahrania, she's much better at this sort of thing than I would ever be!
expertise? what expertise... i like anything that is sweet and juicy...simple..mangosteens fit this description nicely... i hate sour..
my favourite fruit of all time has to be indian/pakistani mangoes!
to be honest, my daily intake of fruit is quite bad... im a bit of a pill-popper...take my mulivitamins on a daily basis along with junk food. its pretty bad... eating healthy is just too much effort in this day and age :)
Indeed, the Pakistani mango is the king of fruits... don't even dare compare them with Indian or Egyptian mangoes!
But actually there are tens of distinct varieties of mangoes cultivated in Pakistan... I can name about ten off the top of my head and I'm no expert by any means.
And if you're getting you're Pakistani mangoes from the central market then it means you are most likely getting one of the mediocre varieties. There is only one shop on the island (deep in the Souq) that regularly supplies the top quality mangoes.
There's still several months left before the start of the mango season, but I'll definitely have a post about it then, covering Pakistani mango culture and "mango diplomacy".
I've heard the name but never actually seen one. Yum, I can't wait to get my hands on one.
LOL. I had a lot when I was in Malaysia (1994). It was love at first taste!
A Malay friend introduced some wierd fruits which we've never came across in our lives.
1. Rambutan ( I didn't like it )
2. Mangosteen!
Good luck with the Mangosteens. They are quite expensive to buy in Bahrain.
H Ali